
Social Life
When the 9:30 Sunday service is over, almost everyone adjourns to the hall to chat over tea or coffee. Those who are able take turns in providing baking, and on most Sundays the conversation lasts for about an hour. The willingness of busy people to take so long to sit with their neighbours reflects the importance of this social time. All are aware that some older single folk find this a particularly welcome opportunity for seeing and talking to others. Apart from friendly conversation, coffee time is used to make announcements, to welcome visitors, and to celebrate such events as retirements, anniversaries, baptisms, and confirmations.

Local Outreach

All Saints’ has been involved in Outreach in their local community and in the world community since its very existence.Parishioners have long supported the outreach done by PWRDF, who do wonderful work in the world.
All Saints’ has long supported Interval House in Saskatoon with Christmas bags of essential items We also support of the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Center.

As long as our doors remain open so must our hearts to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ. All Saints’ is ever mindful of the needs of others.